par Gabriel Girard | Avr 25, 2015 | In English, Publication, Sexualité, VIH/sida
Sexualities, a well-known scientific journal, published a special issue on barebaking in different contexts: France, UK and USA. I co-authored with Daniela Rojas-Castro an article entitled « Barebacking in France: From controversy to community ownership? An account of...
par Gabriel Girard | Nov 25, 2014 | In English, Politique, Publication, VIH/sida
This book review was published on Somatosphere as a part of Foreign correspondents series. Many thanks to Michael Hawrysh for helping me to translate and write it in English! A Political Life is a significant book not only because it offers insight into one of the key...
par Gabriel Girard | Août 1, 2013 | In English, Médicalisation, Prévention, VIH/sida
The French version of this text is available here. François Berdougo, Bruno Brive and Gabriel Girard (August, 1st, 2013) Is AIDS prevention among gay men a battlefield? At first glance, probably less so today than a few years ago. Since the late 1990s, violent...
par Gabriel Girard | Mar 16, 2013 | In English, LGBT, Presse, Publication
Here is an article co-authored with my colleague Daniela Rojas-Castro, and published in the english edition of Le Monde Diplomatique. The article is entitled « Gay rights struggle mutates », and can be downloaded here.
par Gabriel Girard | Fév 15, 2013 | In English, LGBT, Mariage pour tou-te-s, Politique, Presse
This article has been published in International Viewpoint. On Tuesday 12 February, a little before 5pm, the French National Assembly voted by a large majority for the so-called “marriage for all” law, which gives same sex couples the right to civil marriage and to...